
For several reasons various European regions suffer from problems of low population density, especially in rural zones. These problems are usually compounden by the ageing of the population, and very few opportunities availables for young people. These regions need to retain and bring in entrepreneurial talent, especially within the young people, in order to develop sustainable, economic, social and environmental initiatives which generate development and quality jobs.

Evidence suggest that social enterprises are more resilient and have the capacity to help correct the main socioeconomic misbalances, as well as benefiting the local communities. This makes the social economy a development model with special interest in alleviating the demographic problems in the SPAs (Sparsely Populated Areas) in Europe.


The main objective of this meeting is to serve as a meeting point between different actors within the most depopulated zones in Europe. The aim is to explore the possibilities offered through social entrepreneurship in order to alleviate this situation and to encourage the networking and exchange knowledge sharing.

This event will take place in Soria (Spain) which is one of the most depopulated geographical areas in Europe, with a population density of 9 habitants/ km2. Organisations from different scarcely populated areas in the EU will participate, giving us a panoramic view of the depopulation phenomenon in the Union. They will show us their strategies to combat it, giving specific emphasis to the encouragement of social entrepreneurship as a tool for inclusive and sustainable development.



This conference will be held on 20 and 21 May 2016
Day 1
20 may 2016
Day 2
21 may 2016
9:00 - 9:30

Participants’ reception

Official Opening

Carlos Martínez Izquierdo
Antonio López Calvín
Luis Rey
Rosa Valdeón
Cristina Dumitrescu

Depopulation, social entrepreneurship and impact measurement

Carlos C. Ungría (Moderator)
Santiago Aparicio Jiménez
Mercedes Molina Ibáñez
Mercedes Molina Ibáñez
Mercedes Valcárcel
Mercedes Valcárcel Dueñas
11:15 – 11:30

Coffee Break

Encouragement of social entrepreneurship in rural areas in Spain

Israel Manzano
Roberto Lozano
Silvia Fernández-Campa
Paloma Colmenarejo
Marta Solórzano
Marta Solórzano (Moderator)
14:15 – 15:30


Initiatives for the fostering social entrepreneurship in Soria (Spain)

Juan Pedro Velazquez-Gaztelu (Moderator)
Javier Gracia (Moderator)
Lucía Fernández de Soto
Daniel Hernández Marín
Sergio Cabrerizo
Sergio Cabrerizo
Pedro Agustín Medrano
Pedro Agustín Medrano


El Hueco | Coworking Soria
C/Eduardo Saavedra 38. Soria (Spain)
+34-975 22 99