The Ken’s is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with top tier graphics and flagship performance. New blog styles, modern column structure, new sliders, new shortcodes/widgets and BuddyPress compatibility are only a few of V2.0 features that have turned The Ken into a WordPress theme for all seasons.
The Ken is now even more amazing! V2.0 simply provides pretty much everything a modern and trendy website requires.
New Blog Styles
Create awesome magazine blogs or choose out of six newly added blog styles: Modern, Tile, Magazine, Thumbnail, List, Scroller, Slideshow.
If you want even more trendy one-pages, this new EdgeSlider feature is there for you! It lets you create amazing slide-based one page websites like no other.
Take your layouts to the next level by using the newly introduced animated columns. This shortcode will let you create modern multi-state columns with 2 styles and delicate animations.
The Ken has a special collection of one-page templates with industry standards. We have included a page for every purpose. Included in V2.0 is also some awesome OnePager templates.
EdgeSlider OnePager
The best of its kind slider to the day is now even better. Thanks to the new OnePager feature, you can craft stunning screen-per-scroll one pages like no other. We have included multiple related templates as well.
Tablet & mobile slideshow, blog teaser, expandable page sections, new tab & accordion styles and tabbed Post widget are some of the great shortcodes we added to The Ken V 2.0.
You can now create magnificent magazine blogs by using the newly added Magazine blog style or choose from other 6 brand new blog styles introduced in V 2.0 (Tile, Modern, Thumbnail, Slideshow, scroller, list)
We have upgraded our support service to meet the same-day initial response promise. Together with our well-narrated HD quality video tutorials you will be surprised by the improved post-purchase experience.
Vehicula sapien, a vulputate tellus ipsum tincidunt enim. Vestibulum venenatis mauris augue, ac sodales tortor tristique sit amet. Integer sapien nulla, ornare at molestie vel, egestas et mauris. Nulla quis nibh dolor. Vestibulum ultrices arcu eget mattis euismod. Curabitur dictum vitae lectus eu porta. Donec adipiscing, mi sit!
In malesuada rhoncus diam, eget vulputate turpis tristique posuere. Nulla hendrerit scelerisque tellus, ullamcorper tempor risus blandit eget. Nam viverra, ante vitae placerat rhoncus, urna nisi hendrerit urna, in vulputate massa sem eget mauris. Nullam tempus lacus vitae justo tristique posuere.
Vivamus ut libero quis diam adipiscing eleifend. Duis elementum justo nec mi facilisis viverra. Morbi laoreet faucibus pellentesque. Morbi venenatis metus a neque laoreet eu sodales justo suscipit. Aenean ut scelerisque eros.Vestibulum ultrices arcu eget mattis euismod. Curabitur dictum vitae lectus eu porta. Donec adipiscing.
Quisque at enim sem, ut laoreet dolor. Pellentesque tristique congue nulla, id gravida odio tempus at. Etiam nec ipsum enim, porta eleifend dui. Proin purus nulla, pellentesque non hendrerit sed, dignissim ut lorem. Integer auctor vestibulum felis et tristique. Nullam vel enim neque. Integer rhoncus adipiscing risus nec bibendum.
This new EdgeSlider feature lets you create amazing screen-per-scroll one pages like no one else. If you already own this theme, you can simply turn all your existing EdgeSliders into OnePager sliders with a single click.
Duis nec aliquet massa, sed dapibus mauris. Nulla vehicula nisl non enim sodales fermentum. Morbi in diam elementum, egestas magna et, interdum nulla. Praesent laoreet, mauris nec mollis vestibulum.
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