El Parlamento Europeo debate mañana y pasado, miércoles y jueves, 1 y 2 de junio, los problemas de las regiones despobladas en la Unión Europea, con especial incidencia en las comarcas rurales [...]
The province of Soria comes to decline of the line of the 90,000 citizens, what has been a psychological blow disturbing. The situation, like in a wide area of the center of Spain, is a dramatic [...]
La provincia de Soria acaba de bajar de los 90.000 habitantes, lo que ha sido un golpe psicológico estremecedor. La situación, al igual que en un amplia zona del centro de España, es dramática, [...]
The most sparsely populated European regions will seek solutions to their demographic problems in Soria (Spain)
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European regions that suffer most from the problems of demographic change and depopulation will meet in Soria on the 21st and 22nd of May, at the Meeting on Social Entrepreneurship in Sparsely [...]