II Declaration of Soria. Now or never: rely on social entrepreneurship

The province of Soria comes to decline of the line of the 90,000 citizens, what has been a psychological blow disturbing. The situation, like in a wide area of the center of Spain, is a dramatic emergency. It remains evident that what has been done up to now has not worked well.Of course, it´s a collective failure, in which participated the governments, institutions and own Soriapeople. Therefore, it becomes an urgent need to shake the apathy because, otherwise, we are really going forward to the disappearance.

The events experienced in Europe in recent years have demonstrated that we are in a critical state, very close to the crucial point.In face to a territorial crisis linked to demographic and cultural factors, biodiversity, solidarity and values, among other, everywhere in Europe we cannot stand idly by.

We must make use of the “resilience” accumulated by the territories and people to take advantage of everything that we have learned several years during and bet on an inclusive development centered on people through endogenous resources specific to each territory.

As defined today in other areas of Europe, it´s possible to work otherwise. Therefore, we believe that it´s time tojointhe actions.As representatives of the civil society in depopulated areas, we demand to public administrations of Provence at the regional, national and European level to:

  • create ecosystems to support social entrepreneurship,
  • implement public policies that promote social innovation and social entrepreneurship,
  • optimize on the endogenous resources available in each territory,
  • develop multidimensional strategies and international solidarity,
  • create a regulation framework for the development of the social enterprise with wages.

From El Hueco, we commit ourselves to lead a working group in order to promote strategies for social entrepreneurship for that our Territories do not die. We invite the administrations, businesses, financial institutions, trade unions, universities, associations, media and any civil society to participate in the work of this group.

Now or never!

Read this declaration in Spanish

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